Serbian Military Settlements of New Serbia and Slavic Serbia on Ukrainian Lands in the 18th Century (Part 1)

Main Article Content

P. Rudyakov


The article explores the Serbian military settlements of New Serbia and Slavian Serbia (1751-1764) in the territory of modern Kirovograd and Lugansk regions, founded by the tsarist government for
Serbian immigrants from Austria. The general situation in which the resettlement was being prepared was analyzed. Attention is drawn to Austrian military reform under Maria Theresa, to Vienna’s
concessions to Hungarian feudal lords to the detriment of Serbian landmilitia. Marked Russia’s access to the Black Sea and the deployment of the process of colonization of the Black Sea. A set of motives
has been disclosed that pushed the border Serbs to move to Russia, and Russia to accept them. It is alleged that after a critical deterioration in living conditions as a result of the reform of military
settlements on the border with Turkey, immigrants were dominated by motives of a socio-economic, as well as a national-cultural, religious nature. The Serbs were interested in the Russian side as a source
of personnel to ensure colonization, the organization of the military border on the newly annexed lands. Russia equipped the new border according to the model of the military border borrowed from
Austria. Mentioned about those who came to Russia and entered the Russian service in the first half of the 18th century. well-known immigrants from Serbian ethnic territories in the Balkans and from
Austria, who played the role of predecessors for immigrants from New Serbia and Slavic Serbia: Savva Vladislavich, Pantu Bozhich, Mikhail Miloradovich and others. Based on archival and other
materials, the content and sequence of preparatory actions of Russia and “Austrian” Serbs to relocation.


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How to Cite
Rudyakov, . P. (2019) “Serbian Military Settlements of New Serbia and Slavic Serbia on Ukrainian Lands in the 18th Century (Part 1)”, Problems of World History, (9), pp. 73–89. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2019-9-3.
Author Biography

P. Rudyakov

Rudiakov Pavlo – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”


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