Creation of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and its activities during the Cold War

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The article deals with the creation and activity of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America during the Cold War. It is the main organization of the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States, which brings together more than 30 leading public, cultural, religious organizations. It represents the interests of the Ukrainian Diaspora of the United States and lobbies the interests of Ukraine in the US authorities and the world community.

The author traced the historical preconditions and circumstances of the creation of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and concluded that the founding of the organization demonstrated a new qualitative stage in the development of the Ukrainian diaspora of the United States. Its institutional design was completed, and systemic integration into the social and political space of the United States was launched, including interaction with the highest state power.

Attention is focused on determining the main activities of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and their implementation during the Cold War. Thus, one of the main tasks of the Committee was to protect the rights of the Ukrainian people to self -determination and democratic freedoms, including national self -expression, religious and political freedom, cultural development in Ukraine and abroad, in particular in the United States. The majority in the Ukrainian diaspora considered this mission the main thing of their lives. Therefore, this has become the most important unifying factor for various Ukrainian organizations and forces in the US around the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

During the second half of the 1940s-1991, the activity of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America was aimed at promoting the essence and tasks of the Ukrainian national liberation movement, exposing the USSR policy towards the Ukrainian people, protection of human rights and Ukrainian nation in the USSR, gaining support for the idea of independence of Ukraine. As well as the formation of a positive image of the Ukrainian nation in the United States and the international arena, preserving the national identity and culture of the Ukrainian people, the unification of the Ukrainian diaspora in America and the world. In fact, the UCCA appears as the first Ukrainian lobby in the US political party, which effectively defended the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, and made a significant contribution to the proclamation and recognition of Ukraine's independence.


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How to Cite
Sukhobokova, O. (2023) “Creation of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and its activities during the Cold War”, Problems of World History, (21), pp. 112–127. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2023-21-6.
Author Biography

O. Sukhobokova

Sukhobokova Olha – Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


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