The Figure of Longyn Tsegelskyi in the Development of International Relations and Diplomacy of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic

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This article traces the formation of Longyn Tsegelskyi’s worldview and personality. His personality as a politician and public figure in the last period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is considered. His participation in the student movement and the first steps in his political career are characterized. It is emphasized that the ambassadorial activity of L. Tsegelskyi began in the period when the Western Ukrainian society was in the legal field of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Thanks to his clear position and oratorical skills, he exposed the anti-people policy of the tsarist government, criticized and condemned Galician Muscophilism, and defended the interests and rights of Ukrainian peasants. In addition, the political activity of L. Tsegelsky during the First World War was analyzed.

The state-building and international activities of L. Tsegelkyi during the national liberation struggles of 1918–1921 were analyzed. It was noted that L. Tsegelkyi stood out among the Galician political elite with theoretical and political training, far-sightedness and a convincing position. From the beginning of the liberation struggle, the politician advocated the full provision of autonomy and political equality of national minorities, whose nationalization could be carried out primarily by peaceful, legitimate and governmental methods.

It is noted that the period of L. Tsegelskyi’s life, connected with his state-building activities during the period of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic, deserves special attention. L. Tsegelsky was the initiator of various state and political actions, showed considerable activity in various meetings, gatherings, demonstrations and meetings. His work was analyzed when, after the announcement of the annexation of Ukrainian lands, he simultaneously became the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Kyiv.


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How to Cite
Polych, M. (2023) “The Figure of Longyn Tsegelskyi in the Development of International Relations and Diplomacy of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic”, Problems of World History, (21), pp. 196–206. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2023-21-10.
Author Biography

M. Polych

Polych Maryana – Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecturer of West Ukrainian National University.


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