Features and Consequences of Military Modernization in the Balkans 1856–1914: a Comparative Analysis
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The study of military modernization phenomenon in the countries of the Balkan region and its impact on the socio-political, military-economic, cultural directions of social development in the countries of the region is a promising subject for further scientific research. It allows us to study a complex development of states building and military reforms influence on its dynamics.
The study focuses on the study of some specifics of military reforms in the region of South-East Europe. The time frame studied involves the middle of the 19th century, including the beginning of the First World War. This is the period of the armed forces formation in independent Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Montenegro and implementation of active reforms in the Ottoman and Greek armies. The comparative method of the reforms implementation in the armed Christian countries of the Balkan Peninsula with the transformations in the army of the Ottoman Empire carried out in the study period allows us to clarify a number of peculiarities and complex it is in reforming.
The clarification of a number of the reforms elements enables us to conclude that borrowings from the European armies models, primarily from German and French armies, plays a crucial role in military modernization in the Balkans. It covers such factors as education obtained in European military universities; purchase of the latest weapons in the advanced countries of Europe and the USA; engaging foreign military specialists as instructors for organizing of units and formations training; headquarters establishment; participation in planning and organization of military actions; military medicine development; officers training in the armies of European countries; creation of a military mobilization reserve according to the German or French standard.
The results of military reforms in the armies of Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Montenegro are specified. The consequences of military modernization affecting the state of the Balkan countries armies on the eve of the First World War are clarified.
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