India on the Way of Successful Transformations: Development Model

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The study presents an attempt to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the Republic of India’s development model from the time of its formation in 1950 to the present days and to characterize achievements and problems along the path of transformation from a post-colonial, backward country to a state claiming a leading position in the world. It is proven that the country chose an effective but complicated hybrid development model for modernization transformations. The Indian model is significantly different from the East Asian model, it is not like any other, so it is a special type of development model. It has been proven that researchers are faced with a huge transition economy with pronounced contrasts. In particular, a high level of education and a large sector of highly qualified specialists are combined with hundreds of millions of illiterate people and a significant middle class, not present in every transition economy, with mass poverty. The presence of contrasts is characteristic of all countries with transition economies that are developing rapidly. However, India has a feature that is almost unique – a combination of the so-called "three worlds", three socio-economic development models observed in our time. This peculiar “mix” made it possible to rationally use the features and advantages of each of the specified systems at various stages of the country's development. A special model of progress enabled India to overcome (or to reduce) a significant number of the most difficult economic, scientific and technical, social problems, make a colossal leap from colonial backwardness to global leadership, and become an interesting and useful example for many countries. Such a unique combination is obviously not found in any other country, and it largely determines the features of the Indian development model and successful transformations on the path to modernization.


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How to Cite
Lukash, O. (2024) “India on the Way of Successful Transformations: Development Model”, Problems of World History, (24), pp. 148–171. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2023-24-6.
Author Biography

O. Lukash

Lukash Olga – Ph.D. in History, Senior Research Fellow, Leading Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.


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