Political Systems and Political Elites of the Post-Soviet States under Globalization
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The article presents an analytical review of actual problems of the post-soviet states political systems within globalization in Ukraine and Russia. Special attention is paid to the consideration of
general and particular features of political elites in both countries under impact of global transformations. The variety of globalization’s exercises complicates the valuation of its impact on
social and state-political development the world over. Positive or negative influence of globalization processes particularly the global structures on world’s development is the main point of the present-day political studies. In terms of political science phenomena of globalization could be determined as a process of creation of integral global economy and institutional legalization of its integrity as well as transnational elite’s will to establish the system of global governance. Globalization accelerated the structural deformation of political elites and social differentiation that escalated socio-political conflicts and caused the stagnation of liberal democracy. In spite of some distinctions in results of transformations in Ukraine’s and Russia’s political systems the political elite that has been formed in these countries is characterized as socially heterogenic, bureaucratic, oligarchic, corruptive, populist and dependent on the global structures.
Article Details
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