Protection of Cultural Values during Wars and Armed Conflicts
Main Article Content
The article focuses on the problem of cultural values, which as a result of the World War ІІ, were scattered in the world – taken out of Germany, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, displaced or permanently
lost. There are found out the ways of how cultural values, as a result of military action, occurred in different countries-museums, private collections. The movement of cultural values due to the sale and
change of the owner far beyond the country of origin is shown, the problem of alienation of cultural values of violent way is singled out. It is drawn down the contractual-legal base, which gives grounds
for protection of cultural heritage, and it was analyzed German-Polish dialogue in the case of return and restitution of cultural values, displaced or lost during the World War ІІ. Along with the aftermath
of World War II and the complexities that have to be overcome, the examples of the return of priceless paintings taken during the war are presented. The history of the picture “Lady with an ermine” and
German-Polish dialogue on the possibilities of its return is described. This masterpiece from the Museum of Chartoryiskikh in Krakow is considered one of the most valuable pieces of Poland. The key
issues that develop and that hamper dialogue on protection of cultural values during wars and armed conflicts and also restrict their return and restitution have been revealed.
Article Details
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