Political and Legal Aspects of the Attempt to Establish a Judicial Establishment of the UPR in the Evacuation on the Territory of Poland in July-August 1920.

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P. Satskyi


The article examines the problem of the attempt to create judicial bodies for the consideration of cases related to the responsibility of citizens of the UPR who were civil servants in the evacuation in Tarniv (Tarnuv) in Poland in July-August 1920. At the same time, Ukrainian state institutions, as a result of the offensive of the Red Army in the territory of Ukraine, were forced to be evacuated to Poland and housed in the city of Tarniv. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UРR has initiated the creation of judicial bodies in this city, which would consider cases concerning employees of the state institutions of the UPR. Thus, there was an opportunity to ensure the functionality and efficiency of the work of the governmental institutions of the UРR in the conditions of their stay on the territory outside of Ukraine. This initiative was under consideration by the Ministry of Justice of the UPR, which submitted it for consideration to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking into account the need to clarify the issue of the status of the UPR citizens evacuated to Poland. This issue was important, given its complexity, since the system of Polish law and justice was in the stage of formation. Also, the starting point for negotiations between Poland and the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR on the conclusion of an armistice in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920 played an important role for the UPR. Therefore, the problem of establishing a separate court for civil servants of the governmental institutions of the UРR was important in preserving their functionality and legitimacy.


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How to Cite
Satskyi, P. (2017) “Political and Legal Aspects of the Attempt to Establish a Judicial Establishment of the UPR in the Evacuation on the Territory of Poland in July-August 1920”., Problems of World History, (4), pp. 170–181. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2017-4-12.
Author Biography

P. Satskyi

Satskyi Pavlo – Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.


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