Russian State Mind from the Point of View of the Osman-Russian Imperial Comparative Studies

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V. Makarenko


To adequately formulate the problem of the empire in history and in modern Russia, a distance is required in relation to concepts that are developed by representatives of official science and propaganda within Russia and by Russian scientists outside the country. The concept of distance allows to master the theoretical space of the solid work of Dominic Lieven in the context of modern Russian transformations with simultaneous distancing from political conjuncture and intellectual and political fashions. These refinements make it possible to introduce the necessary concretization into the concept of D. Lieven and to determine the agenda of the discussion on the problem of Russian state mind in the context of the Ottoman-Russian comparative studies. The article systemizes the general problems of the Russian Empire until 1917 and poses the problem of their reproduction in modern Russia.


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How to Cite
Makarenko, V. (2017) “Russian State Mind from the Point of View of the Osman-Russian Imperial Comparative Studies”, Problems of World History, (3), pp. 30–51. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2017-3-2.
Author Biography

V. Makarenko

Makarenko Victor – Doctor of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation)


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