Experience of Postsocialist Transformation in the Slovak Republic

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I. Tkachenko


In the article the experience of post-socialist transformation in the Slovak Republic after the Velvet Revolution and gaining of independence after the collapse of Czechoslovakia in 1993 was examined. The process of reforming of the society and state, the transition from the communist to the western model of economy, the role of public sector on the path to EU and NATO accession were investigated. It was defined that the reforming of authorities, society and the state, which had already begun in the common state of Czechs and Slovaks under the leadership of V. Havel in 1990-1992, had a great value for the formation of independent Slovakia, because, despite some differences, the European destination became a key point which determined the process of accelerated modernization and the transition from planned socialism to a free market relation. It was determined that the «peaceful divorce» with Czech Republic had become one of the most important steps on the way for successful European integration of Slovakia.

The key role of civil society in the transforming of Slovak state and overcoming the negative consequences of the dominance of communist ideology on the path of European and Euro Atlantic integration was represented. The public sector has become a driving force that guided Slovak society towards accelerated modernization in 1998-2006. It was shown the process of struggle of the European choice supporters with pro-Russian policy of V. Meciar, whose period should be generally considered as a «Slovak kuchmism». The final victory of pro-European forces in the 1998 elections led to the acceleration of modernization processes in Slovakia, implementation of required changes in society and state managing necessary for EU and NATO accession.


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How to Cite
Tkachenko, I. (2020) “Experience of Postsocialist Transformation in the Slovak Republic”, Problems of World History, (12), pp. 168–185. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2020-12-9.
Author Biography

I. Tkachenko

Tkachenko Ihor – Ph.D. in History, Leading Research Fellow of the Sector of Social Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


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