Integration Processes in the States of the South Caucasus and the Impact of Military Conflicts on their Course in Post-Soviet time
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The study examines the key aspects of the integration processes taking place in the states of the South Caucasus after the collapse of the USSR, primarily military conflicts as a result of the unbalanced ethnic policy of the former metropolis. And it is they that largely determine the course and direction of the integration policy of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. The methodology of the work is in the use of a comparative-historical and problem-research method of research combined with a critical analysis of researches related to the process of the post-Soviet transformation of the South Caucasus. The scientific novelty of the research lies in expanding the scientific understanding of the peculiarities of the existence of the newly independent states of the South Caucasus, determining the degree of influence of military conflicts on the integration prospects of the countries of the region. Analysis of studies, publications in the media, speeches and statements of the leaders of states allows us to determine how the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the Russian-Georgian confrontations in Abkhazia and South Ossetia are reflected in the foreign policy course and the search for allies to resolve them.
It has been established that the course of integration processes in the South Caucasus is still under the influence and serious pressure from the Russian Federation, which actively hinders the integration intentions of the countries of the region. The search for its place in the new realities of the era of independence has become the reason for such a phenomenon as a multi-vector foreign policy. At the same time, it is obvious that as a result of military conflicts, the vector of Georgia's integration is aimed at the state’s entry into NATO as a guarantor of security against Russia's neo-imperial aggression. Armenia, as an aggressor in the Karabakh conflict, chose a generally pro-Russian integration vector, while Azerbaijan focused on an alliance with Turkey.
Article Details
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