Energy Policy of the Baltic States in the Post-Soviet Period
Main Article Content
The energy policy of the Baltic States in the post-Soviet period, which aims to reduce energy dependence on Russia with an emphasis on promoting national interests is studied at the article.It is noted that the process of the energy sector’ modernizationof Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is aimed at strengthening energy security and creating conditions for energy independence, increasing the energy efficiency of economies of these countries. The main directions of the energy policy’ implementation of the Baltic States are outlined.Attention is paid to the fact that modernization programs of the energy sector include the widespread introduction of energy saving technologies, in particular, the use of renewable energy sources.
The conditions of functioning of the Baltic States’ energy systems at the time of independence are considered. We are talking about energy, raw materials, infrastructure dependence on a single energy supplier – the Russian Federation.
It is noted about the Baltic energy market interconnection plan (BEMIP).The importance of commissioning the LNG terminal in Klaipeda (Lithuania) and the construction of new projects for the transportation of natural gas – GIPL, Balticconnector іs emphasid.Peculiarities of synchronization of electric networks of the Baltic States with the Continental European Network (CEN) are analyzed.A brief description of the energy sector of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the conditions of independence has been made.
It is noted about the EU’s position on the development of the Baltic States’energy sector.It is emphasized that the Baltic States have managed to get the support of the EU in their efforts to strengthen energy security.It is concluded that due to the stable position of the Baltic States and the EU in the direction of implementing new projects for energy supply and energy sources, the Baltic States are partially getting rid of energy dependence from Russia.Thanks to EU assistance, the implementation of a common energy policy, the involvement of new partners, the renewal of energy supply routes, and the diversification of energy supply sources, the Baltic States are gradually moving away from energy isolation.
Article Details
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