Overcoming the Totalitarian Legacy in Estonia at the End of the 20th – Beginning of the 21th Century
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The features of the process of overcoming the totalitarian legacy in the Republic of Estonia at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21th century are studied. It is revealed that in Estonia after the restoration of independence, the restoration of the constitutional order, state structures and the change of the political elite as a result of free elections had took place. It is described that a new legislative base and economic system were built in Estonia, and the development of the foundations of civil society began, which have enabled it to claim for integration into the Western democracy community already in the last decade of the 20th century.
It is noted that the success of the de-Sovietization of the Republic of Estonia is due to the complete abandonment of the remnants of the USSR system. It is revealed that Estonia made significant efforts to create its own national security system in the direction of creating its own security intelligence agencies, army and joining NATO, as well as protecting national interests in resolving language issues and obtaining Estonian citizenship.
It is noted that the Republic of Estonia preserves the memory of Soviet repressions at the state level. The study of the occupation periods and crimes of the communist and Nazi totalitarian regimes in Estonia has received a great attention from both the state and public institutions. In this context, it is worth noting the activity of the Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity, the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory, Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom, the Memorial to Victims of Communism, is also planned to be created the International Museum for the Victims of Communism.
It is emphasized that at the current stage, the experience of modernization changes in this country is considered the most successful among the countries of the post-Soviet space. It was concluded that this experience is very useful for following in Ukraine as well, since Estonia has taken decisive steps to overcome the practices of the Soviet past in the political, economic, and public spheres, build the state on the basis of national and European values, and reform all spheres of society’s life.
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