A New Enhanced Trilateral Security Partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the USA (AUKUS): Reasons for Creation, Consequences for International Security
Main Article Content
The article examines the reasons for creating a new trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (AUKUS) and predicts the impact of AUKUS on international security. The strategic political and defense documents of the AUKUS states regarding their policies in the Indo-Pacific region are analyzed. China’s policy in the Asia-Pacific region is also analyzed.
It has been established that the Indo-Pacific region plays an important role both for the AUKUS states and for the whole world. During the remarks on the creation of AUKUS, the leaders of the states of the new trilateral partnership did not mention China, emphasizing the need to maintain security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. However, the reason for creating AUKUS is the aggressive policy of the People’s Republic of China in the region, which ranges from economic coercion to direct threats to use force against Taiwan. The main areas of cooperation identified by AUKUS will enhance the defense capabilities of each of the three states. A key project of AUKUS – to deliver a nuclear-powered submarine fleet for Australia is an important tool for deterring China and maintaining a balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region.
The article predicts that the creation of AUKUS will have a positive impact on security in the Indo-Pacific region and international security in general. This partnership will not create geopolitical tension and will not lead to an arms race in the region. China, even before the creation of AUKUS, carried out the militarization of the Indo-Pacific region and rejected the involvement of international organizations in resolving disputes with neighboring states, interpreting all disputes in its favor. Will not undermine the creation of AUKUS and the unity of NATO due to the cancellation by Australia of the contract with France for the construction of diesel submarines. The financial dispute with French submarine maker has been settled, and defense cooperation between the two states is being strengthened.
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