Eurovision Song Contest as a Tool of Cultural Diplomacy

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This article presents an analytical study dedicated to the practical implementation of cultural diplomacy, one of the types of diplomacy. This form of diplomacy is utilized by governments to achieve political goals, by educational institutions to expand the knowledge base through academic exchanges, and by independent organizations to showcase their achievements and ideas to a new audience. Cultural diplomacy enables the implementation of both short-term and long-term programs of cultural-civilizational or integrative direction.

The advancement of information technologies has simplified the communication process in a globalized world, providing opportunities for ‘soft’ forms of influence. The foundation of ‘soft power’ comprises a country’s culture, particularly those elements that can be attractive to others; its political values; and its foreign policy, especially when others perceive the country as a bearer of certain moral authority. These components collectively shape the external image of the state and create an image and perception of the country’s potential in the information space.

The annual Eurovision Song Contest serves as a successful manifestation of ‘soft power’ in the context of cultural diplomacy and contemporary international relations. It has been proven that Eurovision, as a project aimed at uniting all members of the European Union, has influenced the establishment of communicative ties between countries, the formation of the image of European countries in the information space, and has become a significant component of global socio-cultural and politico-cultural processes. Despite the organizers positioning Eurovision as a politics-free platform, it continues to be an arena for the expression of geopolitical sympathies and a successful project for implementing the tasks of cultural diplomacy.


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How to Cite
Khodchenko, O. and Koverska, E. (2024) “Eurovision Song Contest as a Tool of Cultural Diplomacy”, Problems of World History, (25), pp. 176–190. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2024-25-8.
Author Biographies

O. Khodchenko

Khodchenko Olena – Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

E. Koverska

Koverska Eva – Student of the 3rd Year of the Faculty of History of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.


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