The Community of Ukrainian Prisoners of War “Independent Ukraine” at the Final Stage of the Existence of the Camp Rastatt, Germany (May – November 1918)

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I. Sribnyak


The article deals with the specifics of the functioning of the community of captured Ukrainian soldiers “Independent Ukraine” at the final stage of the camp Rastatt. The most important thing was that the Ukrainian community “Independent Ukraine” of the camp Rastatt trained a large number of nationally conscious Ukrainians, of whom, in February 1918, the first units of the national army were formed. At this time prisoners found them in a very difficult situation, which was caused by food shortage that Germany was going through at this time. Equally important was the work of liquidation committee and department “Help the Ukrainian Cultural Committee in Germany” in Rastatt, which on August 1, 1918 took over maintenance of the cultural and organizational work in the camp. Through the efforts of its members in the camp continued carrying out educational work, and the camp remained the center of Ukrainian life until its liquidation in November 1918.


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How to Cite
Sribnyak, I. (2018) “The Community of Ukrainian Prisoners of War ‘Independent Ukraine’ at the Final Stage of the Existence of the Camp Rastatt, Germany (May – November 1918)”, Problems of World History, (6), pp. 161–171. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2018-6-12.
Author Biography

I. Sribnyak

Sribnyak Igor – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World History of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.


Central'nyj derzhavnyj arhiv vyshhyh organiv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrai'ny (dali – CDAVO Ukrai'ny), f.4406, op.1, spr.23.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.34.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.30.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.17.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.41.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.143.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.10.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.153.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.138.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.143.

CDAVO Ukrai'ny, f.4406, op.1, spr.144.