Strategies of Australia’s Migration Policy: the Stages of Becoming, New Challenges and Responses to Today’s Threats

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O. Romanenko


The article examines the Australia’s migration policy, the stages of its formation and development, the current situation. There are three stages of Australia’s post-World War II migration strategy: assimilation policy, integration policy, and a policy of cultural diversity and multiculturalism. This policy is regulated by the Australian Department of Immigration. Since its inception, the name of the Department has been changed more than ten times, reflecting the main directions of its activities and functions during these periods.

Summing up the results of the article, it can be said that the first head of the Department of Immigration in 1945 had promoted mass British immigration, proclaiming the slogan “Populate or Perish”, however the policy on immigrants and the name of the Department changed over time. In March 1996, the name of the institution had changed to the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, whose slogan was “Enriching Australia through migration”. The main idea of immigration strategy was to create a multicultural country with strong potential due to its diversity. In 2007, the concept of multiculturalism was excluded from the name of the structure; more emphasis in the work of the Department was placed on the recognition of national identity, based on a number of core values, which still contribute to the development of a multicultural society. And in 2017 Department of Home Affairs was officially established, which today deals with all migration issues.

The country has an Australian migration program at the beginning of the XXI century, which provides several main reasons why citizens of another country can enter the continent for long-term residence: student’s, qualified immigration (taking into account the professional experience, skills or qualifications required by Australian economy at the time), family reunification (family members living in Australia), special circumstances (return of Australian citizens who have previously left the country). There is also a humanitarian program for refugee’s migration and adaptation to Australian life.


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How to Cite
Romanenko, O. (2020) “Strategies of Australia’s Migration Policy: the Stages of Becoming, New Challenges and Responses to Today’s Threats”, Problems of World History, (12), pp. 152–167. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2020-12-8.
Author Biography

O. Romanenko

Romanenko Olena – Ph.D in Political Sciences, Junior Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.


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