Ukrainian-German relations in context of the Brest-Litovsk Conference of 1918
Main Article Content
This article deals with the international relations of Ukraine during the national liberation struggle of 1917-1918. The prerequisites for the Ukrainian-German rapprochement at the end of the First World War are clarified. The work analyzes the peculiarities of relations between Germany and the government of the Ukrainian Central Rada, reveals the influence of German policy on the formation and development of Ukrainian statehood. The participation of the Ukrainian delegation at the Brest-Litovsk negotiations and the conclusion of a peace treaty with the Central Powers are characterized. The scientific study examines economic aspects, in particular in the system of Ukrainian-German relations, which significantly influenced the foreign policy orientation of Kyiv and Berlin, were an important factor during negotiations and the conclusion of international agreements. The activity of Ukrainian diplomatic missions and economic and trade missions abroad aimed at ensuring the development of the Ukrainian economy and the needs of the war for independence is highlighted. The dependence of relations between Germany and Ukraine on the balance of power in the international arena is shown. It is shown that the most important achievement of Ukraine, obtained thanks to economic agreements, was the preservation of state independence and entry into the international arena and, on this basis, the opportunity to continue national liberation competitions in the future. In general, conducting such a study is appropriate not only in the context of the history of Germany and Ukraine, but also in the context of world history, since the evolution of Ukrainian-German relations during this period largely depended on the development of events in the international arena.
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