Historical and Political Aspects of the Sustainable Development of the International Order under Conditions of Global Transformations

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The problems and prospects of a new international order formation in terms of the transformation of the international system are viewed. It is proved that sustainable development of the contemporary international system depends on the consolidation of the international community and the constructive cooperation between the international relations participants. Thus it is necessary to begin the process of developing a new model of a world governing that would take into consideration the conditions of the global world of the XXI century. 

The necessity of comprehensive study of the components of the global crisis of world governance and search for mechanisms to overcome it by consolidating participants of the international system are proved. A complex crisis in various fields and at various levels, from local to global proves incapacity, due to lack of appropriate mechanisms, of the international community to overcome the global system crisis that includes world governing crisis.

Thus, the current crisis on the global level always calls for search the means and factors that would provide stabilization of the social, economic and political relations, consolidation of social powers and all members of the international system. The current global system crisis is not accidental one and it is a natural phenomenon associated with long-term trends of world political and economic development.

Thus the present global system crisis has its own peculiarities and distinctive features associated with the processes of globalization, regional political and economic integration, global migration and more. Crisis development was accelerated because of the collapse of the bipolar international system and intensification of globalization. Obviously, handling crisis development is possible to be achieved, provided the acquisition of the new international system a balance that would correspond properly to the character of global transformations. From this perspective, changes in social development have made the problem of international political consolidation a highly topical one as it is aimed at sustainable development of mankind.


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How to Cite
Fesenko, M. (2024) “Historical and Political Aspects of the Sustainable Development of the International Order under Conditions of Global Transformations”, Problems of World History, (24), pp. 26–42. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2023-24-2.
Author Biography

M. Fesenko

Fesenko Mykola – Doctor of Political Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Leading Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.


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