Historical Memory as a Means of Implementing the Internal and External Policy of the Republic of Poland

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The article deals with the phenomenon of the historical memory of the Republic of Poland, which is currently aimed at solving the internal and external tasks of the state in the following directions. The first concerns a number of geopolitical and practical issues of relations with Germany, the second revolves around relations with the Russian Federation, and the third is focused on the “Volyn problem”, which is naturally extrapolated to relations with Ukraine. Such a trichotomy was formed throughout the 20th century and continues to this day. If until 2014 German and Volyn unresolved issues prevailed in Polish politics and public life, then Russia’s invasion and war against Ukraine strengthened the Russian component of the Polish narrative of memory, aimed at debunking Moscow’s aggressive policy.

The origins and essence of the problems in Poland’s relations with Germany, as well as with Russia, are similar in many issues, and in some dimensions even coincide. The geopolitical weight of politicians of the leading states resemble each other in terms of historical origins and the nature of problems, disrespectful assessments of their opponents or competitors, imperial attitudes toward their own and conquered peoples, and economic characteristics bequeathed to them by previous state formations. Relations between the Republic of Poland and Germany are closely intertwined. Complicated by territorial claims, they became particularly acute during the Cold War. The constructive dialogue of these European states reached a consensus level only with the unification of Germany in 1990. However, a final understanding has not yet been reached, as the Polish side still raises the issue of guilt towards the Poles on the part of Germany, which, according to Polish statements, did not sufficiently compensate for the losses of the Poles period of the Second World War.


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How to Cite
Chekalenko, L. (2022) “Historical Memory as a Means of Implementing the Internal and External Policy of the Republic of Poland”, Problems of World History, (19), pp. 34–56. doi: 10.46869/10.46869/2707-6776-2022-19-3.
Author Biography

L. Chekalenko

Chekalenko Ludmyla – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Leading Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”


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