The Phenomenon of Hereditary Authoritarianism in Modern Political Systems: Historical and Political Aspect
Main Article Content
The article is devoted to revealing the essence, content and options for practical implementation of the phenomenon of hereditary authoritarianism in the political practice of countries with an authoritarian form of government. The relevance of the mentioned topic is explained by the current cardinal geopolitical changes, which are associated with the strengthening of the influence of countries with a non-democratic form of government on modern world politics. In particular, the author of the article notes that hereditary authoritarianism, by its very nature, comes from the very nature of authoritarian political regimes and is the result of their transformation. Here, in the understanding of hereditary authoritarianism, the key category is the inheritance of personified political power from an authoritarian ruler to his successor.
The article also proves that hereditary authoritarianism is not an evolutionary form of state development, as it does not ensure quality continuity of power. However, at the same time, we cannot consider hereditary authoritarianism as a spontaneous stage of state development, since it is a logical consequence of socio-political processes that take place in the country when the political system needs changes, but these changes take place under the influence of the political elite, not society .
In the conditions of modern political systems, hereditary authoritarianism was implemented in Syria, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan. In particular, the emergence of hereditary authoritarianism in Syria is explained by the need to preserve in this country a complex power structure that combined intercommunal, clan and family relations based on interpersonal mutual obligations. In the conditions of Azerbaijan, hereditary authoritarianism exists in the form of a “hereditary republic”, the foundation of which was laid by the first president of the country, G. Aliyev. As for hereditary authoritarianism in Turkmenistan, its feature is that a two-power system of state administration was formed in the country.
In addition to the above-mentioned countries, the tendency of hereditary authoritarianism is also observed in the political practice of a number of post-Soviet countries, in particular in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Belarus.
In conclusion, the author of the article, taking into account the fact that hereditary authoritarianism is a new concept in modern science, outlined directions for its further study and understanding.
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