The Father and the Son al-Assad: the Common and Different Features of a State Policy

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The Syrian al-Assad presidential dynasty is a classic example of a hereditary dictatorship. At the same time, the state policy of Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashar have more differences than common features.

Alawite H. al-Assad usurped the state power of Syria thanks to his own efforts and abilities. As a result of a combination of the socio-political and socio-economic reforms, he turned Syria into a state of the fear, which provided those who fear it with the social mobility and protection from the poverty. At the same time, the Sunnis, who refused the politicization of Islam, could practice their religion and hold the high government positions, while Kurds who agreed to the Arabization could work in the business, a bureaucratic apparatus, or the religious structures. In addition, H. al-Assad, by the interfering in the internal affairs of Lebanon, turned Syria from a political object into a regional political subject, which impressed the Syrians.

B. al-Assad, who received a presidential power from his father, could not become his full-fledged replacement. Together with the power, he received a number of socio-economic challenges. They threatened the state’s ability to provide the population with the necessary amount of “bread in exchange for freedom” and demanded an urgent response. B. al-Assad essentially refused to follow the paved path of the moderate political and economic liberalization of the country. He abused the state “whip” to curb the democratic opposition and the Kurdish national movement. At the same time, B. al-Assad flirted with the Sunni Islamists for tactical reasons. Finally, his failed Lebanon policy marked the beginning of the end of the Syrian regional subjectivity.

The civil war, which was a consequence of B. al-Assad’s state policy, did not teach him anything. In the end, he resorted to the help of foreign patrons: RF and Iran, turning into their puppet. The weakness of his power positions excludes the possibility of a further continuation of the al-Assad presidential dynasty.


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How to Cite
Zelinskyi, A. (2024) “The Father and the Son al-Assad: the Common and Different Features of a State Policy”, Problems of World History, (25), pp. 129–163. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2024-25-6.
Author Biography

A. Zelinskyi

Zelinskyi Andriy – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Leading Research Fellow of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.


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