Problems and Prospects of Development Republic of Kazakhstan in Modern Conditions
Main Article Content
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. The presence of complex problems in the political and socio-economic development of Kazakhstan and the complication of the geopolitical situation both around this country and in the Central Asian region in general have been established. It was found out that President K.-Zh. Tokayev, in order to strengthen his position, is carrying out a reset of power by making changes to the Constitution, holding early presidential and parliamentary elections and updating local administrations. As a result, the process of power transition ended in the country, and the first president, N. Nazarbayev, lost his status and influence on political processes. It was established that the promises of K.-Zh. Tokayev to implement a program of socio-economic reforms, reduce corruption, decentralize power and open more opportunities for citizens to participate in politics remain unfulfilled.
Responding to Russia’s war against Ukraine and the events of January 2022, Kazakhstan updated its military doctrine, which now emphasizes the need to strengthen border protection and counter internal threats. In foreign policy, Kazakhstan continues to declare multi-vector and pragmatism, adhering to the policy of neutrality and preventing its own involvement in international conflicts. Astana strives to find new partners and deepen existing ties with other states. At the same time, doubts are growing in Kazakh society about the expediency of Russia’s privileged position in Kazakhstan’s foreign policy, given the awareness of the threats coming from this aggressive and unpredictable country.
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